DUI defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses OVI and DUI charges in Ohio when legally using marijuana.
On behalf of Bouldin Law Firm
Enhanced Trafficking and Aggravated Trafficking in Kentucky
Criminal defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses aggravated trafficking and enhanced penalties for trafficking if firearm is involved. Kentucky law increases penalties based on amount and if a firearm is in possession of the accused. Call Michael Bouldin for representation.
FaceBook Posts – Free Speech or Libel?
Attorney Michael Bouldin discusses first amendment free speech and libel posting on social media.
Expungement and HB327
Expungement of diversion dismissals should be automatic for pleas after July, 2020. Attorney Michael Bouldin discusses need to conduct background check and file if case still appears.
Divorce and Custody in KY
Northern Kentucky family law attorney Michael Bouldin discusses custody rights and presumptions under Kentucky Law. Presumption of joint legal custody and equal 50/50 parenting are discussed.
Got a DUI? Get a Lawyer!
DUI defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses many benefits of hiring an experienced lawyer to represent you after DUI or OVI arrest. Call Michael Bouldin in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
Dog Bites in Kentucky
Northern Kentucky Attorney Michael Bouldin discusses strict liability of a pet/dog owner for bite injuries caused by the animal.
Post Shooting Self Defense Questioning
Kentucky criminal defense attorney Michael Bouldin brings information from USCCA about what to do if involved in self-defense shooting.
How Are Criminal Defense Fees Set
Northern Kentucky criminal defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses legal fees and experience. 25 years helpiing people through difficult times.
Why Are Legal Fees Expensive?
Michael Bouldin discusses reasons for costly legal fees paid for attorneys with unique experience.