Expungement of many criminal records is both easy and cost efficient. Acquittals and dismissals are always expungable, but also many misdemeanors and felonies as well as EPO (emergency protective orders). Contact and cost information is available.
Month: December 2021
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DUI & Criminal Defense
Northern Kentucky DUI defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses need for hiring an established lawyer for DUI or criminal defense. If you are charged or have been arrested, you need to hire the best attorney for the job.
Traffic Offenses and Driving Related Charges
Northern Kentucky criminal defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses necessity of hiring an experienced attorney even when charged with traffic violation and even if given citation. Suspension of license can occur and points against your license may accrue, costing loss of license or fees. Know your rights! At least discuss your case with experienced counsel prior to paying a fine or pleading guilty.