A de facto custodian is latin term for someone who takes the place of a parent. In Kentucky law, if a person qualifies under the statute as a de facto custodian, they can then petition the courts for custody and begin on the same footing as a parent. Generally, a...
Divorce and Girlfriends
Having practiced divorce and family law for over 25 years, I am often asked about girlfriends, boyfriends and significant others. What if my wife finds out about my girlfriend? Being a no-fault divorce state, the reasons for the divorce/dissolution are irrelevant to...
Covid-19 Custody Update!
The Kentucky Supreme Court issued Custody and Parenting Time Orders on March 24, 2020. Click link above for court text. In summary, the order provides: To avoid confusion and provide guidance and assistance to parties to a custody or parenting time order, the Supreme...
Modification of Alimony
In many divorces one spouse may be obligated to pay alimony, maintenance or spousal support to the other. Alimony is usually awarded in cases when the couple has been married for a number of years and there is a disparity between the incomes of the two spouses....
Divorce, DVO and Court Filings During Coronavirus Update
As an attorney in this field for 25 years, I wanted to update the public and advise that you can still file for divorce and obtain an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) by filing a Domestic Violence (DV) Petition even during the Covid-19 scare with the courts...
How to Handle Child Exchange During Quarantine
With an ever-changing code of conduct and various quarantines during the Covid-19 crisis have led to a number of questions to most family law attorneys. Generally, parties should continue to follow all court Orders regarding custody, visitation and parenting time....
Can I Spank My Children?
As both a criminal defense and family law attorney for over 25 years, the answer is not simply that you have the right to spank your children, there are varying degrees that are often interpreted differently by different judges, professionals and social workers. The...
What To Do If You Cannot Get Ahold of Your Attorney
Attorneys are notoriously difficult to get in touch with and the successful and busy ones even more so. So here is a list of dos and don’ts if you are having difficulty. Do 1. Be patient. This sounds simple but calling 3-5 times does not make the return call any...
What To Do If Served Divorce Papers
I’m often asked what to do if you are served divorce papers. First, READ all of the documents fully and don’t panic. The summons that accompanied the divorce papers will set forth some obligations, for example you will have 20-30 days to file a response. Use that time...
Co-Parenting Apps
Our Family Wizard, coParenter, AppClose and talkingParents are all personal cell phone apps today assist divorced parents in communications. The apps cam also track and monitor communication, exchanged of shared expenses, child and shared calendars and even resolution...