Northern Kentucky criminal defense attorney Michael Bouldin discusses gun rights and various laws relating to CCW in Kentucky.
Year: 2020
Collaborative Divorce
Northern Kentucky divorce attorney Michael Bouldin discusses collaborative divorce and how to begin the process.
Divorce & Covid-19
Northern Kentucky divorce attorney Michael Bouldin discusses filing for divorce despite corona virus pandemic. Call for consultation.
Filing for Protective Orders & Domestic Violence
With increase of stay at home Orders and alcohol abuse, there has been an increase in Domestic Violence. The Kentucky Courts remain open for both filing and hearings related to domestic violence allegations. The Courts can issue immediate temporary Orders to protect...
Speeding 100mph? Get an Attorney!
if you have been charged with speeding more than 100mph or 25 over the speed limit, you may lose your license. You should always hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. It is highly likely that if speed is more than 25 over limit that in...
What is Cost of Uncontested Divorce?
There are many terms used that identify a divorce that is uncontested; those include agreed divorce, dissolution, or uncontested divorce/dissolution. Collaborative cases may ultimately be uncontested but generally involve more discussion and negotiation of issues...
What is a De Facto Custodian?
A de facto custodian is latin term for someone who takes the place of a parent. In Kentucky law, if a person qualifies under the statute as a de facto custodian, they can then petition the courts for custody and begin on the same footing as a parent. Generally, a...
Divorce and Girlfriends
Having practiced divorce and family law for over 25 years, I am often asked about girlfriends, boyfriends and significant others. What if my wife finds out about my girlfriend? Being a no-fault divorce state, the reasons for the divorce/dissolution are irrelevant to...
Covid-19 Custody Update!
The Kentucky Supreme Court issued Custody and Parenting Time Orders on March 24, 2020. Click link above for court text. In summary, the order provides: To avoid confusion and provide guidance and assistance to parties to a custody or parenting time order, the Supreme...
Modification of Alimony
In many divorces one spouse may be obligated to pay alimony, maintenance or spousal support to the other. Alimony is usually awarded in cases when the couple has been married for a number of years and there is a disparity between the incomes of the two spouses....