DUI During Holidays

Local Covington, KY attorney with decades of experience and personalized attention to your case

Photo of attorney Michael W. Bouldin

DUI During Holidays

by | Nov 25, 2021 | DUI |

Many people are out drinking with relatives drinking holidays and ends up charged with DUI over the weekend. What to do?

1. Don’t panic. You don’t have to hire the first attorney that answers their phone.

2. Do research and find the best attorney fit for you. Talk to trusted friends and search websites and reviews.

3. If you have court before you can speak to counsel please not guilty. Tell the judge you want to hire an attorney.

Most DUI cases take 3-6 months from start to finish; longer if awaiting results from a blood test or if requesting a jury trial.

Be patient and schedule a consultation. In Northern Kentucky call 859-581-MIKE (859-581-6453) OR ww.