If you have been charged with Speeding, it may affect your license. A hearing is automatic if you are convicted of driving more than 26 miles per hour over the limit. A person over 18 has only 12 points in any 2 year period. Here is how the points stack up for various speeding convictions.
6 | 16-25 mph over speed limit on any road or highway | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Hearing-Possible Suspension | 26 mph over speed limit on any road or highway |
Often a criminal defense attorney can assist in getting the points lowered or even erased. Many defendants are eligible for state traffic school or the CATS, County Attorney Traffic School, programs in Kenton or Boone Counties.
Cost of legal representation varies based on the charges. For speeding, 2021 prices range from $600 – $3,000 depending on severity of charge. For consultation or representation, call Michael Bouldin or contact Bouldin Law by [email protected] or call 859-581-6453.