As a busy attorney for many years, I realize the necessity of going on vacation and getting away from the grind. I firmly believe that this time away allows me to rejuvenate and recommit to the practice and makes me a better attorney.
Unfortunately, this is little solace to those clients that need answers NOW. Having practiced for over 25 years, I have taken many steps to assure that the clients’ needs are being met and that the wheels of justice continue to turn.
Planning for a vacation, here are steps I’ve taken:
- Advise clients. I do not keep it a secret that I’m going out of town. This allows most clients, judges and opposing counsel to set realistic expectations.
- Have office staff available. My paralegal, Emily, does most of my scheduling anyway and has a general knowledge of most of my cases. As such, she is more often available during my trips.
- Have other attorneys available for emergencies. I have spoken to my partner, Kris Nevels, as well as a few other local attorneys who can cover in case of emergencies. For example, no one plans to get arrested for DUI and have court in 2 days. If that happens, plead NOT GUILTY and wait for return. Alternatively, call the office and we will do our best to have someone present for your arraignment.
- Plan down time both before and after vacation. This allows for clients in crisis or with emergencies to schedule in a timely manner.
- Allow minimal communication. Even when leaving the country, I schedule 15-30 minutes 2-3x/week to communicate with the office. While this is not ideal, it is similar to times when I am in the middle of trial. It allows my paralegal to prioritize and get answers to crises.
Another key to getting away is getting another professional do handle all of the planning and preparations. Julie@islandgirlvacations is exceptional at travel planning and finding the best deals. Full disclosure: she’s also my wife.
If you have questions or concerns or need legal assistance, contact Michael Bouldin by filling out the contact information, call 859-581-6453 (581-MIKE) or email [email protected]. Of course, you can also contact [email protected] for scheduling.