Your criminal record may be holding you back. Expungement may be the answer to restart your life! Many people do not know how easy it is for a potential employer to look into your criminal background. This may include traffic offenses, misdemeanors, domestic violence and felonies. Fortunately, many of these cases can now be expunged from your record.
Expungement varies from state to state. In Kentucky, any case which is dismissed may be expunged 60 days following the dismissal. This includes EPO, domestic violence allegations, misdemeanors, traffic and felony offenses.
If you have had a felon case proceed through diversion: such as a child support or first time drug possession, you can likely have that expunged after you complete the diversion.
If you have been convicted of a misdemeanor, you will like have to wait 5-7 years before you can have it expunged. The variance is that the 5 year wait only begins after you have completed probation or CD time. Other requirements may include no future offenses and no other offenses within 5 years. DUI cases require a 10 year wait because of the look back period under current DUI laws which enhance penalties.
Only certain felonies are eligible for expungement. Those are typically lower (class D) felonies, all of which are non-violent in nature. Eligible felonies include: child support, PCS and many other drug charges, theft, bad checks, forgery, fraud, and numerous other class D felonies. The process typically takes 30-60 days and is not time intensive for the client.
There is a $40 criminal background check which is required prior to actual filing. The court charges $100 for misdemeanor convictions, $500 for felony convictions and there is no court fee for dismissals and acquittals. Attorney fees typically are $500-1000, depending on the charge. For consultation and representation, call Michael Bouldin at 859-581-6453 or email