DANGER: sending nude pictures

Local Covington, KY attorney with decades of experience and personalized attention to your case

Photo of attorney Michael W. Bouldin

DANGER: sending nude pictures

by | Nov 27, 2024 | CRIMINAL DEFENSE |

This article is not dealing with the danger of your picture being forever saved in some computer or cloud and potential damage to your reputation. If you are over 18 years of age and your boyfriend or girlfriend is not, you may be subject to numerous felony sex crimes if you are exchanging nude pictures or videos in Kentucky. Changes in laws from July 15, 2024 have significantly increased the penalties and mandatory sentences for those convicted of various crimes.

While Kentucky law does allow for consensual sex between those within certain age limits, it does NOT allow for request, viewing or distribution of nude pictures or videos either to or from any person under 18 years of age. For specific ages regarding consent and statutory rape, see extended definitions for Rape 2nd and Rape 3rd.

Note: Kentucky laws have recently (7/15/24) changed to greatly enhance the penalties for possession of child pornography, distribution of child pornography, or using electronic device to induce person to send pornography. see prior post regarding changes in the law. A child is defined as any person under 18 years of age.

SO, while it may be perfectly legal to have consensual sex or marry a 16-17 year old if you are 18-21, you can be imprisoned for 5-10 years, with mandatory 85% before being eligible for parole, and become a registered sex offender if you request a nude picture of that person (even if it is your wife).

If you have been charged or are being investigated for a crime in Northern Kentucky, contact Michael Boudin by using contact link, email [email protected]  or call 859-581-6453 (581-MIKE) for consultation.

Good to note:  ALL pictures and videos sent through most social media are FOREVER saved. Even if you delete them, a prosecutor can subpoena pictures and videos from FB messenger, Kik, Snapchat, and most other websites.